I like to refer to a General Contractor as your SPOC. Your Single Point Of Contact. If you are a person possibly contemplating a kitchen renovation, a basement renovation, a home addition or what we refer to in the business as a commercial renovation covering any business operation such as a retail space or a restaurant, you need to ask yourself a few questions.
Am I knowledgeable enough or do I have the capabilities to acquire the knowledge to complete my renovation or construction project?
Do I have the time or resources to complete my renovation or construction project?
A dedicated or capable general contractor has the knowledge and contacts to manage any renovation from project start to project finish. Most construction projects may be small in nature, but can be very complex as requiring a multitude of sub trades and suppliers. For instance if you were considering a kitchen remodel and wanted to create a larger kitchen area, then 9 times out of 10, you will need the following:
A building permit for architectural, structural, heating and plumbing. These drawings must be completed by an engineer or an individual with a BCIN (Building Code Identification Number) and then submitted & approved by the building department in your local municipality.
Sub-trades to complete the work requiring demolition, framing, drywall, taping & mudding, painting, flooring, backsplash. A master licensed plumber to re-locate waste water and water lines, a master licensed electrician to run new wiring & outlets and a heating contractor to relocate heating and venting ducts. Let's not forget the showpiece of the project, your kitchen cabinets & countertop.
So What Does A General Contractor Do?
A general contractor will plan, organize, schedule, price and complete everything required for your project in items #1 & 2 noted just above. A GC will only hire reliable tradesmen and suppliers that are subject experts to complete your renovation productively, efficiently and safely.